Decidim 0.27.5

PRAGA LAB API documentation

Explore the API interactively with GraphiQL


An assembly



id (ID!)

The internal ID for this assembly

title (TranslatedField!)

The graphql_name of this participatory space.

type (String!)

The participatory space class name. i.e. Decidim::ParticipatoryProcess

components ([ComponentInterface!])

Lists the components this space contains.

Argument Type Description
filter ComponentFilter

Provides several methods to filter the results

order ComponentSort

Provides several methods to order the results

stats ([Statistic])
attachments ([Attachment]!)

This object's attachments

linkedParticipatorySpaces ([ParticipatorySpaceLink!]!)

Lists all linked participatory spaces in a polymorphic way

categories ([Category]!)

Categories for this space

Argument Type Description
filter CategoryFilter

Provides several methods to filter the results

subtitle (TranslatedField)

The subtitle of this assembly

shortDescription (TranslatedField)

The sort description of this assembly

description (TranslatedField)

The description of this assembly

slug (String!)

The slug of this assembly

hashtag (String)

The hashtag for this assembly

createdAt (DateTime!)

The time this assembly was created

updatedAt (DateTime!)

The time this assembly was updated

publishedAt (DateTime!)

The time this assembly was published

reference (String!)

Reference for this assembly

heroImage (String)

The hero image for this assembly

bannerImage (String)

The banner image for this assembly

If this assembly is promoted (therefore in the homepage)

developerGroup (TranslatedField)

The promoter group of this assembly

metaScope (TranslatedField)

The scope metadata of this assembly

localArea (TranslatedField)

The organization area of this assembly

target (TranslatedField)

Who participates in this assembly

participatoryScope (TranslatedField)

What is decided on this assembly

participatoryStructure (TranslatedField)

How it is decided on this assembly

showStatistics (Boolean)

If this assembly should show statistics

scopesEnabled (Boolean)

If this assembly has scopes enabled

privateSpace (Boolean)

If this assembly is a private space

area (Area)

Area of this assembly

parent (Assembly)

The parent assembly of this assembly

parentsPath (String)

Assembly hierarchy representation

childrenCount (Int)

Number of children assemblies

purposeOfAction (TranslatedField)

Purpose of action

composition (TranslatedField)

Composition of this assembly

assemblyType (AssembliesType)

Type of the assembly

creationDate (Date)

Creation date of this assembly

createdBy (String)

The creator of this assembly

createdByOther (TranslatedField)

Custom creator

duration (Date)

Duration of this assembly

includedAt (Date)

Included at

closingDate (Date)

Closing date of the assembly

closingDateReason (TranslatedField)

Closing date reason of this assembly

internalOrganisation (TranslatedField)

Internal organisation of this assembly

isTransparent (Boolean)

If this assembly is transparent

specialFeatures (TranslatedField)

Special features of this assembly

twitterHandler (String)

Twitter handler

instagramHandler (String)

Instagram handler

facebookHandler (String)

Facebook handler

youtubeHandler (String)

Youtube handler

githubHandler (String)

Github handler

announcement (TranslatedField)

Highlighted announcement for this assembly

members ([AssemblyMember]!)

Members of this assembly

children ([Assembly]!)

Childrens of this assembly