Decidim 0.27.5

PRAGA LAB API documentation

Explore the API interactively with GraphiQL


A type used for filtering any component parent objects

Input Fields

publishedBefore (String)

List result published before (and excluding) this date. Expected format YYYY-MM-DD

publishedSince (String)

List result published after (and including) this date. Expected format YYYY-MM-DD

locale (String)

Specify the locale to use when searching translated fields, otherwise default organization language will be used

type (String)

Filters by type of component

name (String)

Filters by name of the component, additional locale parameter can be provided to specify in which to search

withGeolocationEnabled (Boolean)

Returns components with geolocation activated (may be Proposals or Meetings)

withCommentsEnabled (Boolean)

Returns components with comments enabled globally (can still be deactivated in the current step if the component has steps)