Decidim 0.27.5

PRAGA LAB API documentation

Explore the API interactively with GraphiQL

About the GraphQL API

Decidim comes with an API that follows the GraphQL specification. It has a comprehensive coverage of all the public content that can be found on the website.

Currently, it is read-only (except for posting comments) but intends to cover anything that is published on the regular website.

Typically (although some particular installations may change that) you will find 3 relevant folders:

Using the GraphQL APi

The GraphQL format is a JSON formatted text that is specified in a query. Response is a JSON object as well. For details about specification check the official GraphQL site.

For instance, you can check the version of a Decidim installation by using curl in the terminal:

curl -sSH "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"query": "{ decidim { version } }"}' \

Note that Content-Type needs to be specified.

The query can also be used in GraphiQL, in that case you can skip the "query" text:

  decidim {

Response (formatted) should look something like this:

  "data": {
    "decidim": {
      "version": "0.18.1"

The most practical way to experiment with GraphQL, however, is just to use the in-browser IDE GraphiQL. It provides access to the documentation and auto-complete (use CTRL-Space) for writing queries.

From now on, we will skip the "query" keyword for the purpose of readability. You can skip it too if you are using GraphiQL, if you are querying directly (by using CURL for instance) you will need to include it.

Usage limits

Decidim is just a Rails application, meaning that any particular installation may implement custom limits in order to access the API (and the application in general).

By default (particular installations may change that), API uses the same limitations as the whole Decidim website, provided by the Gem Rack::Attack. These are 100 maximum requests per minute per IP to prevent DoS attacks

Decidim structure, Types, collections and Polymorphism

There are no endpoints in the GraphQL specification, instead objects are organized according to their "Type".

These objects can be grouped in a single, complex query. Also, objects may accept parameters, which are "Types" as well.

Each "Type" is just a pre-defined structure with fields, or just an Scalar (Strings, Integers, Booleans, ...).

For instance, to obtain all the participatory processes in a Decidim installation published since January 2018 and order them by published date, we could execute the next query:

  participatoryProcesses(filter: {publishedSince: "2018-01-01"}, order: {publishedAt: "asc"}) {
    title {
      translation(locale: "en")

Response should look like:

  "data": {
    "participatoryProcesses": [
        "slug": "consectetur-at",
        "title": {
          "translation": "Soluta consectetur quos fugit aut."
        "slug": "nostrum-earum",
        "title": {
          "translation": "Porro hic ipsam cupiditate reiciendis."

What happened?

In the former query, each keyword represents a type, the words publishedSince, publishedAt, slug, locale are scalars, all of them Strings.

The other keywords however, are objects representing certain entities:

Finally, note that the returned object is an array, each item of which is a representation of the object we requested.

*About how filters and sorting are organized

There are two types of objects to filter and ordering collections in Decidim, they all work in a similar fashion. The type involved in filtering always have the suffix "Filter", for ordering it has the suffix "Sort".

The types used to filter participatory spaces are: ParticipatoryProcessFilter, AssemblyFilter, ConsultationFilter and so on.

Other collections (or connections) may have their own filters (i.e. ComponentFilter).

Each filter has its own properties, you should check any object in particular for details. The way they work with multi-languages fields, however, is the same:

Let's say we have some searchable object with a multi-language field called title, and we have a filter that allows us to search through this field. How should it work? Should we look up content for every language in the field? or should we stick to a specific language?

In our case, we've decided to search only one particular language of a multi-language field but we let you choose which language to search. If no language is specified, the configured as default in the organization will be used. The keyword to specify the language is locale, and it should be provided in the 2 letters ISO 639-1 format (en = English, es = Spanish, ...).

Example (this is not a real Decidim query):

 some_collection(filter: { locale: "en", title: "ideas"}) {

The same applies to sorting (ParticipatoryProcessSort, AssemblySort, etc.)

In this case, the content of the field (title) only allows 2 values: ASC and DESC.

Example of ordering alphabetically by the title content in French language:

some_collection(order: { locale: "en", title: "asc"}) {

Of course, you can combine both filter and order. Also remember to check availability of this type of behaviour for any particular filter/sort.

Decidim main types

Decidim has 2 main types of objects through which content is provided. These are Participatory Spaces and Components.

A participatory space is the first level, currently there are 5 officially supported: Participatory Processes, Assemblies, Consultations, Conferences and Initiatives. For each participatory process there will correspond a collection type and a "single item" type.

The previous example uses the collection type for participatory processes. You can try assemblies, conferences, consultations or initiatives for the others. Note that each collection can implement their own filter and order types with different properties.

As an example for a single item query, you can run:

  participatoryProcess(slug: "consectetur-at") {
    title {
      translation(locale: "en")

And the response will be:

  "data": {
    "participatoryProcess": {
      "slug": "consectetur-at",
      "title": {
        "translation": "Soluta consectetur quos fugit aut."

What's different?

First, note that we are querying, in singular, the type participatoryProcess, with a different parameter, slug*, (a String). We can use the id instead if we know it.

Second, the response is not an Array, it is just the object we requested. We can expect to return null if the object is not found.

* The slug is a convenient way to find a participatory space as is (usually) in the URL.

For instance, consider this real case from Barcelona:

The word patrimonigracia indicates the "slug".


Every participatory space may (and should) have some components. There are 9 official components, these are Proposals, Page, Meetings, Budgets, Surveys, Accountability, Debates, Sortitions and Blog. Plugins may add their own components.

If you know the id* of a specific component you can obtain it by querying it directly:

  component(id:2) {
    name {
    participatorySpace {


  "data": {
    "component": {
      "id": "2",
      "name": {
        "translation": "Meetings"
      "__typename": "Meetings",
      "participatorySpace": {
        "id": "1",
        "type": "Decidim::ParticipatoryProcess"

The process is analogue as what has been explained in the case of searching for one specific participatory process.

*Note that the id of a component is present also in the URL after the letter "f":

In this case, 3257.

What about component's collections?

Glad you asked, component's collections cannot be retrieved directly, the are available in the context of a participatory space.

For instance, we can query all the components in an particular Assembly as follows:

  assembly(id: 3) {
    components {
      name {
        translation(locale: "en")

The response will be similar to:

  "data": {
    "assembly": {
      "components": [
          "id": "42",
          "name": {
            "translation": "Accountability"
          "__typename": "Component"
          "id": "38",
          "name": {
            "translation": "Meetings"
          "__typename": "Meetings"
          "id": "37",
          "name": {
            "translation": "Page"
          "__typename": "Pages"
          "id": "39",
          "name": {
            "translation": "Proposals"
          "__typename": "Proposals"

We can also apply some filters by using the ComponentFilter type. In the next query we would like to find all the components with geolocation enabled in the assembly with id=2:

  assembly(id: 2) {
    components(filter: {withGeolocationEnabled: true}) {
      name {
        translation(locale: "en")

The response:

  "data": {
    "assembly": {
      "components": [
          "id": "39",
          "name": {
            "translation": "Meetings"
          "__typename": "Meetings"

Note that, in this case, there is only one component returned, "Meetings". In some cases Proposals can be geolocated too therefore would be returned in this query.

Polymorphism and connections

Many relationships between tables in Decidim are polymorphic, this means that the related object can belong to different classes and share just a few properties in common.

For instance, components in a participatory space are polymorphic, while the concept of component is generic and all of them share properties like published date, name or weight, they differ in the rest. Proposals have the status field while Meetings have an agenda.

Another example are the case of linked resources, these are properties that may link objects of different nature between components or participatory spaces.

In a very simplified way (to know more please refer to the official guide), GraphQL polymorphism is handled through the operator ... on. You'll know when a field is polymorphic because the property __typename, which tells you the type of that particular object, will change accordingly.

In the previous examples we've queried for this property:

Response fragment:

      "components": [
          "id": "38",
          "name": {
            "translation": "Meetings"
          "__typename": "Meetings"

So, if we want to access the rest of the properties in a polymorphic object, we should do it through the ... on operator as follows:

  assembly(id: 2) {
    components {
      ... on Proposals {


Consider this query:

  assembly(id: 3) {
    components(filter: {type: "Proposals"}) {
      name {
        translation(locale: "en")
      ... on Proposals {
        proposals(order: {endorsementCount: "desc"}, first: 2) {
          edges {
            node {
              endorsements {

The response:

  "data": {
    "assembly": {
      "components": [
          "id": "39",
          "name": {
            "translation": "Proposals"
          "proposals": {
            "edges": [
                "node": {
                  "id": "35",
                  "endorsements": [
                      "name": "Ms. Johnathon Schaefer"
                      "name": "Linwood Lakin PhD 3 4 endr1"
                      "name": "Gracie Emmerich"
                      "name": "Randall Rath 3 4 endr3"
                      "name": "Jolene Schmitt MD"
                      "name": "Clarence Hammes IV 3 4 endr5"
                      "name": "Omar Mayer"
                      "name": "Raymundo Jaskolski 3 4 endr7"
                "node": {
                  "id": "33",
                  "endorsements": [
                      "name": "Spring Brakus"
                      "name": "Reiko Simonis IV 3 2 endr1"
                      "name": "Dr. Jim Denesik"
                      "name": "Dr. Mack Schoen 3 2 endr3"

What's going on?

Until the ... on Proposals line, there's nothing new. We are requesting the Assembly participatory space identified by the id=3, then listing all its components with the type "Proposals". All the components share the id and name properties, so we can just add them at the query.

After that, we want content specific from the Proposals type. In order to do that we must tell the server that the content we will request shall only be executed if the types matches Proposals. We do that by wrapping the rest of the query in the ... on Proposals clause.

The next line is just a property of the type Proposals which is a type of collection called a "connection". A connection works similar as normal collection (such as components) but it can handle more complex cases.

Typically, a connection is used to paginate long results, for this purpose the results are not directly available but encapsulated inside the list edges in several node results. Also there are more arguments available in order to navigate between pages. This are the arguments:


  assembly(id: 3) {
    components(filter: {type: "Proposals"}) {
      name {
        translation(locale: "en")
      ... on Proposals {
        proposals(first:2,after:"Mg") {
          pageInfo {
          edges {
            node {
              endorsements {

Being the response:

  "data": {
    "assembly": {
      "components": [
          "id": "39",
          "name": {
            "translation": "Proposals"
          "proposals": {
            "pageInfo": {
              "endCursor": "NA",
              "startCursor": "Mw",
              "hasPreviousPage": false,
              "hasNextPage": true
            "edges": [
                "node": {
                  "id": "32",
                  "endorsements": []
                "node": {
                  "id": "31",
                  "endorsements": [
                      "name": "Mr. Nicolas Raynor"
                      "name": "Gerry Fritsch PhD 3 1 endr1"

As you can see, a part from the edges list, you can access to the object pageInfo which gives you the information needed to navigate through the different pages.

For more info on how connections work, you can check the official guide: