Decidim 0.27.5

PRAGA LAB API documentation

Explore the API interactively with GraphiQL


Every GraphQL schema has a root type for both queries and mutations. The query type defines GraphQL operations that retrieve data from the server.


commentable (Commentable!)
Argument Type Description
id String!

The commentable's ID

type String!

The commentable's class name. i.e. Decidim::ParticipatoryProcess

locale String!

The locale for which to get the comments text

toggleTranslations Boolean!

Whether the user asked to toggle the machine translations or not.

participatoryProcesses ([ParticipatoryProcess!])

Lists all participatory_processes

Argument Type Description
filter ParticipatoryProcessFilter

This argument let's you filter the results

order ParticipatoryProcessSort

This argument let's you order the results

participatoryProcess (ParticipatoryProcess)

Finds a participatory_process

Argument Type Description
id ID

The ID of the participatory space

slug String

The slug of the participatory process

component (ComponentInterface)

Lists the components this space contains.

Argument Type Description
id ID!

The ID of the component to be found

session (Session)

Return's information about the logged in user

decidim (Decidim)

Decidim's framework properties.

organization (Organization)

The current organization

hashtags ([HashtagType!])

The hashtags for current organization

Argument Type Description
name String

The name of the hashtag

metrics ([Metric!])
Argument Type Description
names [String!]

The names of the metrics you want to retrieve

space_type String

The type of ParticipatorySpace you want to filter with

space_id Int

The ID of ParticipatorySpace you want to filter with

user (Author)

A participant (user or group) in the current organization

Argument Type Description
id ID

The ID of the participant

nickname String

The @nickname of the participant

users ([Author!])

The participants (users or groups) for the current organization

Argument Type Description
order UserEntitySort

Provides several methods to order the results

filter UserEntityFilter

Provides several methods to filter the results

participatoryProcessGroups ([ParticipatoryProcessGroup!]!)

Lists all participatory process groups

participatoryProcessGroup (ParticipatoryProcessGroup)

Finds a participatory process group

Argument Type Description
id ID!

The ID of the Participatory process group

participatoryProcessTypes ([ParticipatoryProcessType!]!)

List all participatory process types

participatoryProcessType (ParticipatoryProcessType)

Finds a participatory process type

Argument Type Description
id ID!

The ID of the participatory process type

assembliesTypes ([AssembliesType!]!)

Lists all assemblies types

assembliesType (AssembliesType)

Finds an assemblies type group

Argument Type Description
id ID!

The ID of the Assemblies type

assemblies ([Assembly!])

Lists all assemblies

Argument Type Description
filter ParticipatoryProcessFilter

This argument let's you filter the results

order ParticipatoryProcessSort

This argument let's you order the results

assembly (Assembly)

Finds a assembly

Argument Type Description
id ID

The ID of the participatory space

conferences ([Conference!])

Lists all conferences

Argument Type Description
filter ParticipatoryProcessFilter

This argument lets you filter the results

order ParticipatoryProcessSort

This argument lets you order the results

conference (Conference)

Finds a conference

Argument Type Description
id ID

The ID of the participatory space

consultations ([Consultation!])

Lists all consultations

Argument Type Description
filter ParticipatoryProcessFilter

This argument let's you filter the results

order ParticipatoryProcessSort

This argument let's you order the results

consultation (Consultation)

Finds a consultation

Argument Type Description
id ID

The ID of the participatory space