Decidim 0.27.5

PRAGA LAB API documentation

Explore the API interactively with GraphiQL


A proposal



id (ID!)
type (String!)

The commentable's class name. i.e. Decidim::ParticipatoryProcess

acceptsNewComments (Boolean!)

Whether the object can have new comments or not

commentsHaveAlignment (Boolean!)

Whether the object comments have alignment or not

commentsHaveVotes (Boolean!)

Whether the object comments have votes or not

comments ([Comment!]!)
Argument Type Description
orderBy String

Order the comments

singleCommentId String

ID of the single comment to look at

totalCommentsCount (Int!)

The number of comments in all levels this resource holds

hasComments (Boolean!)

Check if the commentable has comments

userAllowedToComment (Boolean!)

Check if the current user can comment

authorsCount (Int)

The total amount of co-authors that contributed to the entity. Note that this field may include also non-user authors like meetings or the organization

author (Author)

The resource author. Note that this can be null on official proposals or meeting-proposals

authors ([Author]!)

The resource co-authors. Include only users or groups of users

category (Category)

The object's category

scope (Scope)

The object's scope

attachments ([Attachment]!)

This object's attachments

fingerprint (Fingerprint!)

This object's fingerprint

amendments ([Amendment]!)

This object's amendments

versionsCount (Int!)

Total number of versions

versions ([TraceVersion]!)

This object's versions

endorsements ([Author]!)

The endorsements of this object.

endorsementsCount (Int)

The total amount of endorsements the object has received

createdAt (DateTime)

The date and time this object was created

updatedAt (DateTime)

The date and time this object was updated

title (TranslatedField)

The title for this title

body (TranslatedField)

The description for this body

address (String)

The physical address (location) of this proposal

coordinates (Coordinates)

Physical coordinates for this proposal

reference (String)

This proposal's unique reference

state (String)

The answer status in which proposal is in

answer (TranslatedField)

The answer feedback for the status for this proposal

answeredAt (DateTime)

The date and time this proposal was answered

publishedAt (DateTime)

The date and time this proposal was published

participatoryTextLevel (String)

If it is a participatory text, the level indicates the type of paragraph

position (Int)

Position of this proposal in the participatory text

official (Boolean)

Whether this proposal is official or not

createdInMeeting (Boolean)

Whether this proposal comes from a meeting or not

meeting (Meeting)

If the proposal comes from a meeting, the related meeting

voteCount (Int)

The total amount of votes the proposal has received

voteWeights (JSON)

The corresponding weights count to the proposal votes