Decidim 0.27.5

PRAGA LAB API documentation

Explore the API interactively with GraphiQL


A meeting



id (ID!)

ID of this meeting

type (String!)

The commentable's class name. i.e. Decidim::ParticipatoryProcess

acceptsNewComments (Boolean!)

Whether the object can have new comments or not

commentsHaveAlignment (Boolean!)

Whether the object comments have alignment or not

commentsHaveVotes (Boolean!)

Whether the object comments have votes or not

comments ([Comment!]!)
Argument Type Description
orderBy String

Order the comments

singleCommentId String

ID of the single comment to look at

totalCommentsCount (Int!)

The number of comments in all levels this resource holds

hasComments (Boolean!)

Check if the commentable has comments

userAllowedToComment (Boolean!)

Check if the current user can comment

author (Author)

The resource author

category (Category)

The object's category

scope (Scope)

The object's scope

attachments ([Attachment]!)

This object's attachments

createdAt (DateTime)

The date and time this minutes was created

updatedAt (DateTime)

The date and time this minutes was updated

services ([MeetingService]!)

The object's services

proposalsFromMeeting ([Proposal]!)

Proposals created in this meeting

reference (String!)

Reference for this meeting

title (TranslatedField!)

The title of this meeting.

description (TranslatedField)

The description of this meeting.

startTime (DateTime!)

The time this meeting starts

endTime (DateTime!)

The time this meeting ends

agenda (MeetingAgenda)

Agenda for this meeting, if available

closed (Boolean!)

Whether this meeting is closed or not.

isWithdrawn (Boolean!)

Whether this meeting is withdrawn or not.

closingReport (TranslatedField)

The closing report of this meeting.

videoUrl (String)

URL for the video of the session, if any

audioUrl (String)

URL for the audio of the session, if any

attendingOrganizations (String)

list of attending organizations

attendeeCount (Int)

Amount of attendees to this meeting

contributionCount (Int)

Amount of contributions to this meeting

privateMeeting (Boolean!)

Whether the meeting is private or not (it can only be true if transparent)

transparent (Boolean!)

For private meetings, information is public if transparent

registrationsEnabled (Boolean!)

Whether the registrations are enabled or not

registrationTerms (TranslatedField)

The registration terms

remainingSlots (Int)

Amount of slots available for this meeting

registrationFormEnabled (Boolean!)

Whether the registrations have a form or not

registrationForm (Questionnaire)

If registration requires to fill a form, this is the questionnaire

location (TranslatedField)

The location of this meeting (free format)

locationHints (TranslatedField)

The location of this meeting (free format)

address (String)

The physical address of this meeting (used for geolocation)

coordinates (Coordinates)

Physical coordinates for this meeting

typeOfMeeting (String!)

The type of the meeting (online or in-person)

onlineMeetingUrl (String!)

The URL of the meeting (when the type is online)

iframeEmbedType (String)

The type of displaying of the online meeting URL