Decidim 0.27.5

PRAGA LAB API documentation

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A question in a questionnaire



createdAt (DateTime)

The date and time this object was created

updatedAt (DateTime)

The date and time this object was updated

id (ID!)

ID of this question

body (TranslatedField!)

What is being asked in this question.

description (TranslatedField)

The description of this question.

mandatory (Boolean!)

Whether if this question is mandatory.

position (Int)

Order position of the question in the questionnaire

maxChoices (Int)

On questions with answer options, maximum number of choices the user has

maxCharacters (Int!)

On questions with free text answers, maximum number of characters the answer can have (0 if no limit)

questionType (String)

Type of question.

answerOptions ([AnswerOption]!)

List of answer options in multi-choice questions.