Decidim 0.27.5

PRAGA LAB API documentation

Explore the API interactively with GraphiQL


A sortition



author (Author)

The resource author

id (ID!)

The internal ID for this sortition

type (String!)

The commentable's class name. i.e. Decidim::ParticipatoryProcess

acceptsNewComments (Boolean!)

Whether the object can have new comments or not

commentsHaveAlignment (Boolean!)

Whether the object comments have alignment or not

commentsHaveVotes (Boolean!)

Whether the object comments have votes or not

comments ([Comment!]!)
Argument Type Description
orderBy String

Order the comments

singleCommentId String

ID of the single comment to look at

totalCommentsCount (Int!)

The number of comments in all levels this resource holds

hasComments (Boolean!)

Check if the commentable has comments

userAllowedToComment (Boolean!)

Check if the current user can comment

category (Category)

The object's category

dice (Int)

The dice for this sortition

targetItems (Int)

The target items for this sortition

requestTimestamp (Date)

The request time stamp for this request

selectedProposals ([Int])

The selected proposals for this sortition

createdAt (DateTime)

When this sortition was created

updatedAt (DateTime)

When this sortition was updated

witnesses (TranslatedField)

The witnesses for this sortition

additionalInfo (TranslatedField)

The additional info for this sortition

reference (String)

The reference for this sortition

title (TranslatedField)

The title for this sortition

cancelReason (TranslatedField)

The cancel reason for this sortition

cancelledOn (Date)

When this sortition was cancelled

cancelledByUser (User)

Who cancelled this sortition

candidateProposals ([Int])

The candidate proposal for this sortition