Decidim 0.27.5

PRAGA LAB API documentation

Explore the API interactively with GraphiQL


A type used for filtering posts inside a participatory space.

A typical query would look like:

  participatoryProcesses {
    components {
      ...on Blogs {
        posts(filter:{ createdBefore: "2020-01-01" }) {

Input Fields

createdBefore (String)

List result created before (and excluding) this date. Expected format YYYY-MM-DD

createdSince (String)

List result created after (and including) this date. Expected format YYYY-MM-DD

updatedBefore (String)

List result updated before (and excluding) this date. Expected format YYYY-MM-DD

updatedSince (String)

List result updated after (and including) this date. Expected format YYYY-MM-DD